
Machine Head & Killswitch Engage: Gemeinsame Songs

Machine Head und Killswitch Engage haben gemeinsame Sache gemacht und den Song „Stop The Bleeding“ veröffentlicht. Doch dabei ist es nicht geblieben, denn es gibt noch eine weitere Protesthymne, die bei dieser Kollaboration entstanden ist. Rob Flynn sagt folgendes dazu:

“I wrote and sang the lyrics on Wednesday May 27th 2020, the day that the four officers who murdered George Floyd were (originally) not charged with anything. This day was engulfed in protests and riots across America. I drove into Oakland, past large demonstrations already happening and in a fury wrote down everything I was feeling after watching the horrific footage.  Within hours, what I wanted to say, what I needed to say had been recorded in the song.”
“I decided to sing it over a song called ‘Stop The Bleeding’, that we had recorded back in December. 2018 with Jared [MacEachearn, MACHINE HEAD bass guitar] and Carlos Cruz [Warbringer] on drums.“


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